On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Lysander wrote:

> Okay, this is probably more of a sendmail than a PERL question so I
> apologize.  If anyone can give me information or even point me to a
> sendmail list or resource I would appreciate it.
> I am writing a PERL script that takes incoming mail, parses the
> contents, and then uses them to update a status page.
> I thought the sendmail part would be as simple as adding a
> "|/path/to/script.pl" to the aliases file.  Unfortunately, I do not even
> have read access to the aliases file on my webhost's computer.  I called
> them and they told me I could accomplish the same thing with a .forward
> file, but that they could not tell me how.
> So I tried making a .forward file in my home directory with the line I
> would have put in an aliases file.  But this didn't work.

You will probably get an error anyway from the MTA telling you it can't
forward mail to an executable file -- it's a security thing.  Sendmail has
ways to handle executables like this using a restricted shell.  What I
think you should do is use procmail (which is usually already set up for
use with Sendmail) to put the mail in question into a specified folder and
have your script pull the messages out of there and process them.

-- Brett
Our policy is, when in doubt, do the right thing.
                -- Roy L. Ash, ex-president, Litton Industries

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