Thanx a lot..... it worked except for the fact 
i used @a=split(/\|/,$a) as @a=split('|',$a) was not
working...(Similarly for @b)
and used $a[10] cmp $b[10] as the file needs to be sorted on the basis
of 11th field.

Shouldn't PERL support the array index nomenclature as in shell
scripting in place of C's syntax. After all it's more intutuive.

Thanks once again


"Hanson, Robert" wrote:
> The sort function takes an optional subroutine which is where you can add
> you logic for the sort.  The subroutine is passed two items from the list at
> a time and needs to return -1 is the first item comes first, 1 if the second
> item comes first, or 0 if the values are equal.  The vales are passed to
> your routine as $a and $b;
> Something like this should do it:
> # Untested, but I hope this helps
> # Open $file1 and read lines into the array
> open FILE1, $file1;
> my @file1 = <FILE1>;
> close FILE1;
> # Sort it!
> # The sub: split $a, $split $b, use "cmp" to compare the string values
> @file2 = sort {@a=split('|',$a) ;@b=split('|',$b); $a[11] cmp $b[11]}
> (@file1);
> # Open $file2 and write the sorted data to it
> open FILE2, ">$file2";
> print FILE2 join('', @file2);
> close FILE2;
> Notes:
> "cmp" does an ASCII comparison, so "Abe" is less than "abe".  If you want to
> to be equal use lc() when you "cmp" (compare) them.  Also if you want a
> numeric compare instead of a string compare, use "<=>" instead of "cmp".
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mayank [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 9:56 AM
> To: PERL
> Subject: sort
> Hi all
> i'm a this might appear to be an easy one!
> How can i have an equivalent of following UNIX command in PERL?
> sort -t "|" -k 11,11 $file1 > $file2
> Which means sort file "$file1" on the basis of 11th field with "|" as
> the delimiter
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Mayank
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