*laugh* - Thanks for the pointers and consider myself better learned. :)

Hmm ... now I better go & hunt down all those greps in my scripts...


If memory serves me right, on Tuesday 29 January 2002 13:26, Jeff 'japhy' 
Pinyan wrote:
> On Jan 29, Jason Purdy said:
> >my ( @filea, @fileb, @inAButNotInB, @inBButNotInA );
> I don't see any hashes being used.  This feels like it's going to be very
> inefficient.
> >open ( FILEA, shift ) || die "Cannot open 1st file: $!\n";
> >@filea = <FILEA>;
> >close ( FILEA );
> >
> >open ( FILEB, shift ) || die "Cannot open 2nd file: $!\n";
> >@fileb = <FILEB>;
> >close ( FILEB );
> >
> >foreach my $object ( @filea ) {
> >        chomp $object;
> >        push @inAButNotInB, $object if ( !grep(/$object/, @fileb) );
> And indeed it is.  Do not use grep(/$foo/, LIST) to determine if $foo is
> in LIST, for a myriad of reasons.  First, you're using a regex, so if $foo
> has any regex metacharacters in it, you'll get false negatives and false
> positives.  Second, you're not anchoring the regex at all, so if LIST
> contains "rabbit" and $foo is "bit", you'll get a false positive.  Third,
> grep() goes through the ENTIRE list.  Imagine the consequences of
>   if (grep $_ == 5, 1 .. 10_000) { ... }
> You've just scanned 99,995 more elements than necessary!
> The Perl FAQ suggests use of a hash.  See my response to this same
> question.

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