>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan e paton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jonathan>  --- Stuart Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How do I replace the letter M with 20 spaces.
>> s/M/\s[20]/; # dosen't seem to work :-(

Jonathan> Hey, how come few seem to have noticed... \s is a CHARACTER
Jonathan> CLASS.  This means it represents a group of characters, so
Jonathan> asking for twenty of these on the replacement side is a
Jonathan> little weird.

But that syntax isn't even *close* to asking for 20 of these on a
replacement side.  That's a bit like the first poster saying "why is
it when I ask for Flarble, nobody knows I mean Pizza?", and then you
saying "but Flarble is always pepperoni, guys!".

C'mon, it makes No Sense. (Insert "chewbacca defense" here.)

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