Stuart Clark wrote:
> # example values
> $Charge = "55";
> $CreditCard = "423452345654532";
> $VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;
> $BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;
> if ($Charge > 0 && (($VisaCard|$BankCard),$CreditCard) ) { # This bit
> doesn't work?
>       Print "The credit card number is valid and the transaction is a
> sale";
> }elsif ($CreditCard = "" && $Charge < 0 ) { # Is "" ok for a null entry?
> Print "No Credit card entered and the transaction is a refund";
> }
> Also is the "if (blah && blah)" bit ok?
> If so what would be the syntax for or "if (blah or blah)"

Have you had a look at this module?

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