Hi all,

> Let's start off with some simple code..
> my $arg = &SomeFunction ( my @arry = qw/one two three/)
> sub SomeFunction {
>   my @array = @_[0];
>   for (my $i =0; i < @array; i ++ ) {
>     print "$array[0][$i]
>   }
> }
> Ok now I understand what the problem is, but I don't
> know how to fix it.  I only have a 1 x 3 array so only
> "one" gets printed - instead of the desired 
> "one two three"..
> How do I fix this?  This seems simple enough..  

# You need to pass a reference!
my $arg = SomeFunction(\my @arry =qw/one two three/);

sub SomeFunction {
  my $array = shift;

  # Iterate over rows
  foreach my $row (@{$array}) {

    # Iterate over columns
    foreach my $element (@{$row}) {
      print "$element  ";

    # Newline to start next row
    print "\n";

perldoc perlref    # Read up on references

Jonathan Paton

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