Iain Wallace wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if any one can help me. Is there any command in perl that will let 
>me match a line only if the next line
> fufills a certain condition, without doing a double loop over the file?
> My data is like this
> Variable1 number number number
> Variable1 number number number   --- want this line
> Variable2 number number number   --- and this
> Variable2 number number number
> Does any one have any ideas ?

if you match with //s, (treat string as single line) you can do it with
regexp (see 'perldoc perlre')

otherwise, if you have the data in an array:
my @content = <FILE>;
close (FILE);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#content; $i++)
  if ($i < $#content && $content[$i] =~ /^Variable1 &&
        $content[$i + 1] =~ /^Variable2/)
   do stuff


> Thanks very much
> Iain

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