
i suggest to use Text::Wrap.

Also you can type this maybe it is what you want.

perl -ne 'print "$1\n" while (/\s*((?:.{1,78})|\S+)\b/g)' < your_text.txt

Am Samstag, 9. März 2002 19:42 hast Du geschrieben:
> could someone please help me make this bit of code
> more efficient?  I am trying to break really long
> lines, say up to 600 characters into manageable sizes
> (78 or less characters) but I do not want to break
> cleanly at position 78.  If that is in the middle of a
> word, my program back steps to the first whitepace.
> but I think I am overdoing it here, although it seems
> to give me the results I want.
> I would not like to use a module for this, but rather
> have it hard coded myself.  Please help me without
> module advice if possible

cu boris

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Antwort: "Im Prinzip ja, aber bei uns hat dafür jeder einen Parkplatz." 

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