Gary Stainburn wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a project where I need to develop an single-board-computer based
> network device using packet modems connected to Amateur Radio equipment and
> I'm trying to develop a simulator in Perl under Linux and I've got a few
> questions.
> Basically I'm going to have X number of nodes running inside Xterm sessions,
> all sitting in the same working directory and simulating transmitting data by
> appending the data to a file.  Each program will simulate receiving the data,
> by doing the equivelent of a tail -f on this file.
> Keyboard input will be used to simulate data being received from the box's
> serial port.
> 1) How can I simulate the 'tail -f' under perl without hanging my program.

open (F, 'tail -f /var/log/messages |');
while (<F>)
  # do stuff
close (F);

> If I pseudo code it it may give a better idea of what I mean.
> // in main code
> if ($command=&getcommand()) {
>   &do_something($command);
> }
> sub getcommand() {
>   if character available
>      add character to buffer
>   if character = end.of.packet
>     return buffer
>   else
>     return false
> }
> 2) can this same method be used to get the characters from the keyboard.

read 'perldoc perlopentut', go to the part with pipes

> 3) can I reduce the priority of these programs (equivelent of the unix 'nice'
> command) from within the perl script or do I need to do it from the shell
> script calling the program. (If I nice -> xterm -> perl script, will the nice
> still affect the perl script or will I have to do xterm -> nice -> perl
> script)?

open (F, 'nice -15 tail -f /var/log/messages |');

> 4) Is there an easy way (or a hard way) within Perl to control the xterm
> output, something similar to GotoXY that I used to have in TurboPascal in the
> good old (?) DOS days.

i've never used dos (not even in the good old turbopascal days) but
there are term modules:
i bet they offer alot of control


> --
> Gary Stainburn
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