On Mon, 2002-03-18 at 13:05, Jonathan E. Paton wrote:
> > I am receiving a strange error on exiting a
> > script:  Attempt to free unreferenced scalar
> > during global destruction.  It only occurs after
> > I make a DBI connection and run an SQL statement.
> > I am undefing the statement handle and
> > disconnecting the database handle.
> use DBI;

yes, I am using DBI.  That is not the problem.

> > Does anyone have a clue what this might be?
> Make sure the statement or database handles don't
> go out of scope.

This is at the end of the script, as in exit(0); everything is going out
of scope.  I am not experiencing any problems in my code.  I just get
this error at the end.

> Otherwise email me the complete code and I *should*
> be able to find the problem fairly quickly.

If you want the code I can send it to you, but there are still hard
coded paths and it is Informix specific.  I plan on making it generic,
but right now I am sticking with what I know (ie
$sth->{ix_NativeTypeName} instead of $sth->{TYPE}).

> Jonathan Paton
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