i have used 

$need = param('dif') - $score.

i didin't know i could use params in a calc like that. 

problem solved, cheers

On Monday 25 Mar 2002 6:38 pm, Dave Storrs wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> First of all, subtracting scalars is perfectly valid, so the actual error
> must be something else.  Here are three things you should check.
> 1) First, you don't have a semicolon at the end of that line.
> 2) Second, if you are operating under 'use strict', you will need to
> predeclare your variables before using them so, (assuming that $dif and
> $score were declared elsewhere):  my $need = $dif - score;
> 3) A "500 server error" implies that you are writing a CGI.  I can't tell
> based on what you've said, but I think the most likely thing that is
> happening here is that, somehow, what you are generating invalid HTML and
> your web server is spitting up on the results...in other words, this is a
> CGI error, not actually an arithmetic error.
> HTH,
> Dave
> On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Matthew Harrison wrote:
> > I have two scalars created from passed params. i want to create a third
> > variable by subtracting the two scalars. how can i do this? i have
> > tried:
> >
> > $need = $dif - $score
> >
> > but i get a 500 server error and my error log says that i cannot use
> > the '-' operator on a scalar variable. can anyone suggesta better way?
> >
> > cheers
> >
> > --
> > Matthew Harrison
> > Internet/Network Services Administrator
> > Peanut-Butter Cheesecake Hosting Services
> > Genstate
> > www.peanutbuttercheesecake.co.uk

Matthew Harrison
Internet/Network Services Administrator
Peanut-Butter Cheesecake Hosting Services

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