> i have a date string formatted this way:  $date = "Apr. 02, 2002"
> i want to capture the "Apr" (without the period) into $1, "02" into
$2, and
> "2002" into $3.
> note that some months may not be abbreviated (such as May), and
> might not have a period.
> my regex skills are still sadly inferior (though i'm learning =)

Hmm. What doc are you learning from? What have you tried
for the above?

> my second (and optional) problem for you to solve: i want to transform
> into mysql date format (yyyy-mm-dd). this is easy enough to do, but i
> wondering if there are any modules there that can date manipulation a
> easier. if you know any, just let me know.

Perl's got a huge community supported module library
called cpan. For more info, enter at a command prompt:

    perl -q cpan

As this doc will tell you, there's a search.cpan.org.
With it you can easily browse/search the entire library.



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