Lance Prais wrote:
> I am using the following code to parse through a log file and match words on
> two sequential lines. I would like to add some code to it to check three
> sequential lines.  I have tried several things but with not luck. Could
> someone please take a look at the code at let help me with this.
> #/usr/bin/perl

#/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

> #open a file with the filehandle
> open WORKFLOW, "+<..\\..\\workflow.txt"  or die "Cannot open Workflow $!\n";
> for(my $i=0; $i<22; $i++){<WORKFLOW>};   #This will put you at row 23.----

<WORKFLOW> for 1 .. 22;

>   $_=<WORKFLOW>;                                        #set the var for the first 
>   my $nextline = <WORKFLOW>;                    #set the var for the second line
>   my $thirdline =<WORKFLOW>;                    #set the var for the third line


> if ((substr($_, 42, 7) eq "Running") and (substr($nextline, 42, 7) eq
> "Running")and (substr($thirdline, 42, 7))
> {

if ( /^.{42}Running/mg == 3 ) {

>         open (APPEND, ">>Moniterlog.log") or die "$! error trying to append";
>         ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);
>         %weekday=(
>         "0"=>"Sunday",
>         "1"=>"Monday",
>         "2"=>"Tueday",
>         "3"=>"Wednesday",
>         "4"=>"Thursday",
>         "5"=>"Friday",
>         "6"=>"Saturday",
>         "7"=>"Sunday",
>         );

my @weekday = qw/Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

>       if ($hour> 12)
>       {
>         print APPEND "Successfully Completed Work Flow Moniter
> $hour:$min\n";
>         print APPEND 'Substring: '.substr($_, 42, 7);

Since substr($_, 42, 7) is always equal to "Running" (we tested for this
in the if statement above) just print "Running".

        print APPEND "Substring: Running\n";

>         print APPEND "\n";
>         print APPEND 'Substring: '.substr($nextline, 42, 7);
>         print APPEND "\n";
>         print APPEND "----------------------------------------------------\n";
>         }

use Perl;

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