Just doing a call to :

sub get_time {
    ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time - $diff);
 }  # end of get_time

        where $diff equals zero.

        If I type date at my ksh ( MKS Korn Shell) I get:

        Sun Apr 21 07:58:25 PDT 2002

        It is the same on both machines, but if I run the perl script on both machines:

aapl079.pl:   Load Bible Hash St  : 15:00:09
MyDisp: 0 -> Passed to proc_step1 MySecs:  978350400  MyCurrSecs: 1019401209
110  18  40 437 478
110  19  12 205 217
Read Job 40 and Hebrews 12 for ( 4/21/ 2):
Reading Books of Psalms:
Normal  :  21,  51,  81, 111, 141
Backward: 130, 100,  70,  40,  10
Random  :   1,  78,  85, 101, 110
aapl079.pl:   Load Bible Hash En  : 15:00:09

nt 4.0:
aapl079.pl:   Load Bible Hash St  : 08:00:09
MyDisp: 0 -> Passed to proc_step1 MySecs:  978350400  MyCurrSecs: 1019401209
110  18  40 437 478
110  19  12 205 217
Read Job 40 and Hebrews 12 for ( 4/21/ 2):
Reading Books of Psalms:
Normal  :  21,  51,  81, 111, 141
Backward: 130, 100,  70,  40,  10
Random  :   1,  78,  85, 101, 110
aapl079.pl:   Load Bible Hash En  : 08:00:09

        The actual time is 08:00.

Wags ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 01:15
To: 'drieux '; '[EMAIL PROTECTED] '
Subject: RE: Time being displayed is off my 7 hours

I figured Wags would have checked, but I just had to ask, because sometimes
it's some little thing like that that ends up biting us in the butt.  BTW, I
should have been clearer, but what I was asking was if the machines were set
to the same time zone in the time settings.  It does appear that one system
is giving out the GMT.  Out of curiosity (and a desire to avoid as much pain
in the future as possible), what are you doing that results in the different
times?  Is it a particular function or module?

-----Original Message-----
From: drieux
Sent: 4/20/02 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: Time being displayed is off my 7 hours

On Saturday, April 20, 2002, at 07:21 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>       Yes. Two feet from each other. Time on machines are
correct(PDT), but 
> something within perl is 7 hours off.
> Wags ;)

I presume that you are checking these with how the
system clock is set on both?

you might want to check how they do with resolving

        a) to GMT time
        b) is there a ntp server around?

we ran into this with some java code on the offset issues
between NT and win2000....

it turned out that one system was handing out GMT time
as the default to the applications or some such...



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