Sorry Michael.  I was not clear there.  I was not saying that *you* flamed
*me*.  That did not happen.  I was speaking in a general sense to the
flamers on this board.  Please accept my apology for creating this

As for Unix file permissions, have a look at the cover of "Learning Perl".
At the top of mine it says "UNIX Programming".  I do agree that the
mysteries of the *NIX OS should not be covered in a list like this, but some
issues (like having to set the proper permissions to enable a script to run
and security concerns as regards .htaccess/.htpasswd files and proper
directory formation) do need to be discussed with on a beginner's list.  If
nothing else, to provide that beginner with a springboard to find the more
in depth documentation he/she will need to be an effective programmer.

However, the point of this response is, again, to apologize to you, Michael,
for inadvertently implying that you had flamed me and I had words for you.
This was not the case at all.

Peace In Christ -
Ron Goral

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Lamertz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:52 AM
> To: Ron Goral
> Cc: Michael Lamertz
> Subject: Re: Improving the Quality of Our Beginners was Re: Write
> permissions and other rights
> Aye,
> Sorry, I'll reverse your quotes, because the following sentence struck
> me:
> > If my questions are too remedial, then ignore
> > them.  But don't open fire on me simply because I've asked a question.
> Where have I flamed you?  My response was completely *pro* your
> request.  %-)
> Let me quote the two last paragraphs of my own mail to you:
>     ---------- snip ----------
>     However, an appropriate answer on *this* *list* should have been a
>     pointer to at least one or two introductory Unix books and
> perhaps some
>     webpages (and although I dare to post this long rand I'm actually not
>     able to provide you with any one, since I never read one %-)
>     It's always hard to bootstrap oneself on a new platform, to get a grip
>     on the system and a feeling for where to look for more information...
>     Keep going, and keep on posting stuff here, you'll see, it'll get
>     better, and you most probably wont get flamed by a kid with too much
>     thestosterone everyday...
>     ---------- snip ----------
> The only thing I didn't agree with was that topics like Unix file
> permissions should be covered in the perl documentation.  I explained my
> reasons for that at length, and I think they stand.
> But then again I agreed with you that the request *IS* valid for the
> beginners list, and that somebody who had good information on the topic
> should have replied to it instead of some zealot flaming around.
> We're completely in line I think.
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 08:28:08PM -0500, Ron Goral wrote:
> > Well, I didn't get flamed, another "potential coder" did.  For
> the sake of
> > brevity, the point of my message was simply this:  A beginner's
> list is for
> > beginners.  Not folks with an intermediate knowledge of the
> subject.  It is
> > for those of us who do not know what we are doing.  This is the place we
> > should be able to go and ask the "stupid" questions and hope
> for an answer.
> Yepp, I completely agree, although I'm not for cutting out the
> intermediate level questions to another list.  Where will you draw the
> line between a beginner and an intermediate?
> If you fragment the lists you also fragment the community and eventually
> the more advanced users will stay away from the absolute-beginners list
> since they don't find it interesting or challenging enough.
> > It is an incredible bonus that more knowledgeable coders
> actually take the
> > time to patiently answer our questions.
> But don't you underestimate the value that these questions have for us
> who answer.  This is both give and take!  I'm programming perl since
> about 1994 or 1995, but *explaining* stuff to other folks makes me think
> not twice but trice about topics that I thought I had fully grasped
> years ago, and quite often I get a new insight by that process.
> I like that, and that's why I lurk on the list!
> > But when the knowledgeable can no
> > longer be patient, then they need to move on to a place where they are
> > behind the curve and leave us alone.
> Agreed, and in that next sentence...
> > I'm not on this list so that some kid
> > can look down his nose at me.
> ...You describe exactly what kind of person we're talking about here.
> Don't take these kids serious, although they can be annoying some times,
> they tend to get bored and go away, but there will always be others who
> answer appropriately.
> > Well, I'm getting long winded again and ya'll have better
> things to do than
> > listen to me rant...again.
> Actually, yes and no.  I may be busy, but this topic is interesting and
> important, so keep on talking ...
> --
>                      If we fail, we will lose the war.
> Michael Lamertz                        |      +49 221 445420 /
> +49 171 6900 310
> Nordstr. 49                            |
> 50733 Cologne                          |
> Germany                                |

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