Hello all,

I am starting a new part of my programming career where I am to manage a
project from start to finish.  I feel very comfortable about doing this, but
have expectations that I would like to meet for the project as a whole and
to help me grow as a programmer.  One of these is versioning of scripts.
I've never understood how to properly version my releases of software (or in
this case scripts).

My specific questions include:

How am I to version the scripts while I am developing it?  By this I
mean.....say I start the script today and put 2 subroutines in it and define
some variables.  It does have the overall basic layout of what the script
will do, but each subroutine will need to be added to in order to achieve
all that is required for that script.  What would that version be?  How
often do I change versions?

I use ci/co and like the versioning stuff on it....should I just stick with
that?  I'd love to hear other's experiences and opinions.  Also, any
examples of scripts you've done in different stages.


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