>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Old <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Kevin> How am I to version the scripts while I am developing it?

The versioning scheme that many large projects such as Perl and the
Linux kernel use is one of:


So, for example, one of the versions of Perl installed on this machine
is 5.7.2.  That's major release 5 - major releases in Perl tend to break
backwards compatibility a little, have big code rewrites, new builtins
and semantics, that sort of thing.  This versioning scheme _also_ shows
how stable the product is; which, for me, is one of the most important
things for a versioning scheme to do.  Whether the minor release number
is even/odd displays whether the release is considered stable/unstable.

    Kevin> How often do I change versions?

'Change versions' whenever you make a source change.  Change patchlevel
if it's a tiny and inconsequential fix, change minor whenever something
important has changed and you want people to be aware of that, change
major when you're breaking interfaces and compatibility all over the
place.  Keep below version 1.0 until your code does something useful,
and is stable and working as it should in what it does.

Just some ideas,

- Chris.
$a="printf.net"; Chris Ball | chris@void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a
"Never go in against a Sicilian when _death_ is on the line!" - Vizzini

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