On Saturday, May 11, 2002, at 01:12 , drieux wrote:

> thought I would formalize the play a bit, and see
> what folks think about:
> http://www.wetware.com/drieux/CS/lang/Perl/Beginners/RegEx/HowPatternsEvolve.
> txt


sorry about that folks.

this friendly mailer forces line wraps - so a simpler
work around at this point was to put the symbolic link
in on the webServer - update the <base href....>
and move on....

So now that I am older and wiser - what is the orthodox
and canonical partitioning of classical perl problems?



Given a choice between a 10th level indentation problem
with regards to variable scoping and regular expresseions
XOR  formalizing, as provable, the two functions

        f(x) - resolve for all persons x whether they are members of
                        the set "Real Anti-Communists[tm]" or "Kook Anti-Communists"
                                or Red Hordes

        g(p) - that resolves for all propositions whether this is
                        an element of either of the above or merely                    
         Red Communist Propoganda

what was that problem with a RegEx you wanted fixed?????
That at least can be shown to be solvable....

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