See answers of a mid-level (3 years) Perl user below.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: drieux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 12:11 PM
> Subject: stop the Madness
> > the sole purpose for me using perl is to:
> > 1) manipulate ascii files with data in .....
> > 2) a front end (I.e Tk) to some analysis software we have - ...
> > 3) a bit of fun
> I feel morally compelled to point out to any of the
> real Newbies who are on the beginner's mailing list
> that this READS like the usual form of 'deep denial'
> that needs to come out in the light of day.
> Oh sure - today its a little text file manipulation,
> a bit of CGI work with webFoo, a little DBI interface,
> whack a GUI front end onto some dog piece of software,
> you can Kick the Habit Any Time You Want. Or at least
> that is what you tell your friends.
> It's really only a small piece of bridge code, and you
> can just make a little perl module to simplify the interface
> between the various common applications, nothing serious...
> Oh but if I just subclass FOO::BAR that you found at
> [TheCPAN|SourceForge|someCoolWebSite|ThisGuyYouMetInSomeDarkBackAlley]
> then of course I can adapt it to fix this other bit...
> I merely wanted to have some better monitoring code for
> our system wide solution - and I merely downloaded from
> and all I have to do is just rework a few bits here and there.
> I mean that way I can monitor the systems more efficiently so
> that I can spend more time coding this cool little extension
> to this perl module....
> But if I adopt the p5ee standards, then I have a common
> technology that will interoperate between my webFront End
> and my Database Services on Legacy Architectures, including
> those older OS's where java has not been ported to yet...
> People REALLY NEED to be forewarned about the dangers!
> Do you find yourself seeking work where perl is readily available?

Yes, thank goodness, can't imagine work without Perl.

> Do you find yourself spending more of your time with other
>       people who Perl than with normal people?

Yes, and it's lonely at my work place. I am the Perl Guru at work.
They call me FMP, Funk Master Perl.

> Do you notice that you are going without the essentials
>       food, water, shelter, simply so that you can perl?

Not really, I have supplies at my desk at all times:
Bottle of water, snacks, sweater, deodorant.

> Have you ever found yourself waking up in strange places, in
>       clothes you clearly haven't changed in days, with no memory
>       of how you got there, in a littered heap of perl code printouts?

change perl code printouts to perl doc printouts and you got me on the

> People REALLY should think about these things before deciding
> if they really want to even know perl.

If I knew then, what I know now, I would have Perl-ed at Perl v1.0.

> ciao
> drieux
> ---
> -- 
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