do you have send mail or a mail server installed on your local machine?

From: Arran
It is obvious:
  The only program that parses Perl is perl, and to really be
  Perl you also have to be perl.  The easiest way to turn
  Perl code into an executable is to embed the perl interpreter!

song: "If you are sexy and you know it clap your hands"
Me: im going to go have to sit this one out...

If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the
first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

We are the out casts of society, but when they relise its the out casts that
create society, we will fall.

Everything I know about thermal expansion I learnt from Neon Genesis

And there's always those days where you start sending out emails with
semicolons at the end of the sentences.  Yesterday I even caught myself
writing code on a piece of napkin on my lunch.  I'm afraid the day will
finally come where I start trying to rearrange all of my paragraphs into a
single sentence.  I mean sure, noone will know what the hell
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Timothy Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 8:01 AM
Subject: RE: win32 mail

> I tried sendmail and it says connect to localhost failed. Help please
> Eric
> On Tue, 21 May 2002, Timothy Johnson wrote:
> >
> > You can also use Mail::Sendmail or Mail::Sender to send emails from a
> > script.  Both should be on CPAN.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tim Musson
> > Sent: 5/21/02 4:31 AM
> > Subject: Re: win32 mail
> >
> > Hey Arran4,
> >
> > nope, no send mail client in the default install of Win.
> >
> > I usually use something I grabbed from TPJ
> >
> > <Net::SMTP code>
> > use Net::SMTP;
> >
> > my($mh, $MailTo, $Subject, $MessageBody);
> > #don't forget to set each of the above!
> >
> > sub sendMail {
> >     my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new("$mh");
> >     $smtp->mail($MailTo); # envelope bits
> >     $smtp->to($MailTo); # envelope bits
> >     $smtp->data(); # Now for the message itself
> >     $smtp->datasend("From: $MailTo\n");
> >     $smtp->datasend("To: $MailTo\n");
> >     $smtp->datasend("$Subject\n\n");
> >     $smtp->datasend("$MessageBody");
> >     $smtp->dataend(); # end the message
> >     $smtp->quit;
> > }
> > </Net::SMTP code>
> >
> >
> >
> > My MUA believes you used Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
> > to write the following on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 2:57:43 AM.
> >
> > A> isnt there are windows send mail client?
> >
> > >> Anyone know how to fire off an email on a windows box from a perl
> > script?
> > >> No guarantee that the machine the script executes on would have an
> > >> outlook/isapi client installed..
> >
> > --
> > MUA = TB! v1.60k (
> > Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
> > The days of the digital watch are numbered.
> >
> >
> > --
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