How about this-

 my %timings = ();
 my @start = (3,4, 15, 23, 29, 34, 37);
 my @stop  = (5,10,20, 29, 33, 36, 37);

 # Assuming that the start and the stop array have the
 # same number of elements and each start corresponds with
 # each stop

 my $i = 0;
 my $hash{$start[0]} = $stop[0];
 my $refStart = $start[0];
 my $refStop  = $stop[0];

 for ($i = 1; $i <= $#start; $i++) {
     if ($refStop >= $start[$i]) {
        $refStop = $stop[$i];
        $hash{$refStart} = $stop[$i];
     } else {
        $refStart = $start[$i];
        $refStop  = $stop[$i];
        $hash{$refStart} = $stop[$i];

foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %hash) {
   print $_, "   ", $hash{$_}, "\n";


prints something like this 
3   10
15   20
23   33
34   36
37   37

You can do whatever is required with this difference. 

-----Original Message-----
From: David Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 11:53 AM
Cc: 'Bryan R Harris'; 'Janek Schleicher'; 'Felix Geerinckx'
Subject: RE: union of times algorithm

> I'm trying to come up with an algorithm that seems like it 
> ought to be really easy, but it's turning out to be pretty tough...
> Basically I have three pairs of start/stop times, e.g.:
>    3, 5
>    4, 10
>   15, 20
> I want the total time covered by all these ranges.  I can't 
> just say (5-3 + 10-4 + 20-15) because the 3,5 and 4,10 ranges 
> overlap.  The desired answer for this case is 13, 3 to 10 and 
> 15 to 20.  I have the start times in two arrays, @starts and @stops.
> I have to do this probably a million+ times.  Any ideas on 
> how I could go about this?

Building on Janek's response:

> Let's change my algorithm from:
> my %timings;
> $timings{$_}++ for (3 .. 5, 4 .. 10, 15 .. 20);
> my $total_time = scalar values %timings;
> to:
> my %timings;
> $timings{$_}++ for (4 .. 5, 5 .. 10, 16 .. 20);
> my $total_time = scalar values %timings;

And adding some code from Felix from a while ago:

> #! /usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> sub generator {
>   my $lref = shift;
>   my $minseq = shift;
>   my $nextfun = shift;        
>   my $curpos  = 0;
>   my $lastpos = scalar(@$lref)-1;
>   return sub { 
>     while ($curpos <= $lastpos) {
>       my $result = [$lref->[$curpos]];
>       push @$result, $lref->[$curpos] 
>         while ++$curpos<=$lastpos && 
>               $lref->[$curpos] == $nextfun->($lref->[$curpos-1]);
>       return $result if scalar(@$result) >= $minseq;
>     }
>     return;
>   }
> }
> my @list = (1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 14, 15, 16, 20, 34, 35, 36);
> my $iter = generator(\@list, 3, sub {$_[0]+1});
> while (my $r = $iter->()) {
>     print "Found: @$r\n";
> }

We end up with:

 ----begin code----
 #!perl -w
 use strict;

 my %timings = ();
 # load up this array with your input
 my @pairs = ( [3,5], [4,10], [15,20] );
 for my $ra (@pairs) {
   # load up hash using slice syntax
   @timings{($ra->[0]..$ra->[1])} = 1;
 my @list = sort {$a<=>$b} keys %timings;
 my $num_ranges = 0;
 # use sequence detector with 2 as minimum sequence
 my $iter = generator(\@list, 2, sub {$_[0]+1});
 while (my $r = $iter->()) {
   # echo matches
   print "Found: @$r\n";

 my $timeunion = scalar @list - $num_ranges;
 print "Time Union is: $timeunion\n";

 sub generator {
   my $lref = shift;
   my $minseq = shift;
   my $nextfun = shift; 
   my $curpos  = 0;
   my $lastpos = scalar(@$lref)-1;
   return sub { 
     while ($curpos <= $lastpos) {
       my $result = [$lref->[$curpos]];
       push @$result, $lref->[$curpos] 
         while ++$curpos<=$lastpos && 
               $lref->[$curpos] == $nextfun->($lref->[$curpos-1]);
       return $result if scalar(@$result) >= $minseq;
 ----end code----

I'll leave the benchmarking alone unless someone else feels like it...

Good Luck,


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