> I'm trying to come up with an algorithm that seems like it ought to be
> really easy, but it's turning out to be pretty tough...
> Basically I have three pairs of start/stop times, e.g.:
>    3, 5
>    4, 10
>   15, 20
> I want the total time covered by all these ranges.  I can't just say (5-3 +
> 10-4 + 20-15) because the 3,5 and 4,10 ranges overlap.  The desired answer
> for this case is 13, 3 to 10 and 15 to 20.  I have the start times in two
> arrays, @starts and @stops.
> I have to do this probably a million+ times.  Any ideas on how I could go
> about this?

Oh... a million?  Better be a fast ALGORITHM:

use constant START => 0;
use constant END   => 1;

my @timeslices = (
    [4, 9],
    [3, 6],
    [2, 4]

# Turns the above into:
# [4, START, 1]
# [9, END,   1]
# [3, START, 2]
# [6, END,   2]
# [2, START, 3]
# [4, END,   3]
my ($counter, @encoded) = 1;
foreach my $item (@timeslices) {
     push @encoded, [$item[0], START, $counter];
     push @encoded, [$item[1], END,   $counter++];

# Turns @encoded above into:
# [2, START, 3]
# [3, START, 2]
# [4, START, 1]
# [4, END,   3]
# [6, END,   2]
# [9, END,   1]
my @sorted = map  { $_->[0] }
             sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] # Sort by element 0
                    $b->[1] <=> $b->[1] # then by element 1

# Keep track of beginning time and total
my $total = 0;
my $previous = 0;
my %active; # Active timeslots

# Loop:
#   * If we get a START, add it to a hash
#   * If we get an END, remove it from the hash
#   * If the hash has something in it, then
#     total += previous - current
foreach my $item (@sorted) {

#   * If we get a START, add it to a hash
    if ($item[0] == START) {

#   * If we get an END, remove it from the hash
    else {
        delete $active{$item[2]};

#   * If the hash has something in it, then
#     total += previous - current
    if (%active != 0) {
        $total += $previous - $current;

print $total;


There is a bug someplace that prevents it printing
the correct value - knowledgable people are welcome
to find it... I've no more time available just now.

I think this might be the fastest solution thus far.

Jonathan Paton

$_=q|.,&@$$. ,.@$&@$. .&$$@. ,,$ ....!$_=$p.'&$@.',y'&$@' .,';for(/\S+/g){
!|.q| .$ .,@, ,$, .,.. @, ,$ ,,@ .,,.!++$.<22?${'y'.$_}=chr$.+64:[$$=${'y'
!|.q| ,@$@&.,. $$$&, ..@&&$,,, $., ..!.$_},$y.=($.=~/22\|26\|3(3\|7)/x?' '
!|.q|. @  ., ,.&,,, , .$..&. .,$  .,,!.$$:"\l$$")]};$y=~/ (.*)/;warn"$1\n"
!|.q|. $ .,. .,$$&&$...&., @.,.&@$@ .|,map{-$|--?$r:$p.=$_}split'!';eval$r

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