on Fri, 07 Jun 2002 15:02:36 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert 
Hanson) wrote:

> $line =~ /'([^']*)'/;
> print $1;

The regex is OK, but you should always check the return value of the 
match, as in

    print $1 if $line =~ /'([^']*)'/;

because $1 will keep the value from a previous match if it fails, 
leading to incorrect results. Consider e.g. the following code:

    my @lines = ("'here is a quote'. Author etc etc", 
                 "Oops, no quote");
    my $i=0;
    for my $line (@lines) {
        $line =~ /'([^']*)'/;
        print "line $i, quote is: $1\n";

Which prints incorrectly:

    line 1, quote is: here is a quote
    line 2, quote is: here is a quote


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