On Monday, June 10, 2002, at 03:36 , Bryan R Harris wrote:

> Slightly OT, but does anyone know how to pass an empty string to a script
> via the command line?  I have a script that is invoked via:
>    rename match-str replace-str <list of files>
> .... where the rename script does an s/match-str/replace-str/g on the
> filenames (variables evaluated, of course; the script already works).

p0: I have not been able to replicate your problem on
        darwin|linux redhat 7.2|solaris

but that doesn't mean it will not happen, so one way
to think about working around this would be to do something
like use


to help go about defining when you have ended reading the
command line arg and are about to read the list of files

hence allowing say

        rename --match-str="...." --replace= ......

p1: the code I tested with is:

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use strict;
        my $matchEx = shift;
        my $subEx = shift;

        my $line= "albert was a Happy Person";

        print "<$matchEx> undt <$subEx> with @ARGV\n";
        $_ = $line;

        print "\$_ now <$_>\n";

and my observed results were:

        gax: 57:] perl Silly.pl albert '' bob ted carol alice
        <albert> undt <> with bob ted carol alice
        $_ now < was a Happy Person>
        gax: 58:] perl Silly.pl Happy Sad bob ted carol alice
        <Happy> undt <Sad> with bob ted carol alice
        $_ now <albert was a Sad Person>
        gax: 59:]




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