Thanks for that

Jenda Krynicky wrote:

> Then how come
>         $x = 'Hello';
>         sub foo {
>                 $_[0] = 'Hi';
>         }
>         foo($x);
>         print $x,"\n";
> prints
>         Hi
> ?
> The parameters are passed by reference, though in little strange way.
> If for example you include an array (and I mean array, not array
> reference!) then the function gets the elements of the array ... but
> still by reference:
>         $x = 0;
>         @a = (1,2);
>         sub foo {
>                 for (@_) {
>                         $_ += 10;
>                 }
>         }
>         foo( $x, @a);
>         print "\$x = $x\n";
>         print "\@a = @a\n";
> It's when you do the usual
>         my $var = shift;
> or
>         my ( $a, $b, $c) = @_;
> that Perl makes copies of the parameters. If you do not shift() and
> access @_ directly you CAN modify the parameters.
> Jenda
> =========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
> There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
> It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
> I can't find it.
>                                         --- me
> --
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