On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:

> On Jun 12, Elias Assmann said:
> >On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
> >
> >> modifies the ACTUAL argument you passed to rcsname()?  Only if you had
> >> done
> >>
> >>   sub rcsname {
> >>     $_[0] =~ s/foo/bar/;
> >>   }
> >> or some other specific effort would you have modified the argument to the
> >> function.
> >
> >So Perl passes subroutine arguments by reference? I thought they
> >would be copies in the first place...
> Don't say pass-by-reference, since "reference" means something entirely
> different in Perl.  It's pass-by-alias.  $_[0] is aliased to the first
> argument you sent to the function.

I just said "pass by reference" because I think it is the idiom
commonly used, though I did not really mean a Perl "reference" would
be created, only that the argument would not be copied.

Thanks anyway for the clarification, both of you.


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