
I'm trying to use Getopt::Long for parsing parameters passed to a
function. I tried to test if that works by using the following script.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

sub test_params()
   print "ARGV: @ARGV\n";

   my $a=0;
   my $b=0;
   my $c=0;

   GetOptions( "a|opta=s"   => \$a,
               "b"          => \$b,
               "c|optc"     => \$c );

   print "opta: $a\n";
   print "optb: $b\n";
   print "optc: $c\n\n\n";

&test_params("-a argument_a -b -c");
&test_params("--opta argument_a -b -c");
&test_params("-c -b");

Unfortunately it doesn't work. The first call to the function gives the
following output:

      ARGV: -a argument_a -b -c
      Unknown option: a argument_a -b -c
      opta: 0
      optb: 0
      optc: 0

As you can see the module complains about an unkown option. The dash before the
'a' is missing, so I suppose that it has something to do with the error. If the
functions is called with only one parameter then it works.

Any hints on how to get it working?


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