>Hi expert,

>I am install a Bioinformatics application, which is useperl module. In Makefile.PL, 
>there is 'use 5.6.1;', but I have only perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3), and I 
>have no 5.6.1 module. I search CPAN, I can not find this module, do I need install 
>perl5.6.1, do I have other options?

>Thank you very much.


>Here is Makefile.PL file:

># more Makefile.PL
>use 5.6.1;
>use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

>    NAME          => 'EMBOSS::ACD',
>    VERSION_FROM  => 'ACD.pm',
>    PREREQ_PM     => {
>        'Text::Abbrev' => 0
>    },
>    ABSTRACT_FROM => 'ACD.pm',
>    AUTHOR        => 'Luke McCarthy <'">[EMAIL PROTECTED]>',

You are out of luck. You have to install the latest 5.6.1 perl. You can overwrite your 
current one or install it in some other place. Better to have all your working script 
confirm to one version cause it gets messy after sometime trying to support different 
version of perl.  

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