On Wednesday, June 26, 2002, at 08:50  AM, drieux wrote:

> { embedded in that is - so.... how should I be making perl modules
> in a standard way that will be easiest for the perl community. Trust
> me that question will come - since you started with the right form
> of "I found modules I can use at the CPAN" - and it will only be a
> matter of time before you are returning the complement.... }
a minor niggle - but you use the word often:

Usage Note: Complement and compliment, though quite distinct in meaning, 
are sometimes confused because they are pronounced the same. As a noun, 
complement means “something that completes or brings to perfection” (The 
antique silver was a complement to the beautifully set table); used as a 
verb it means “to serve as a complement to.” The noun compliment means “an 
expression or act of courtesy or praise” (They gave us a compliment on our 
beautifully set table), while the verb means “to pay a compliment to.”

just making sure you are using the 'e' form intentionally.


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