I'm working on a script that I need to use some pattern matching in.  I've
got a couple books that I have been reading about it and thought I knew how
to seach for what I'm after but its just not working.

Here is a test script I've been playing with to get this working.  I want to
be able to parse out of the string any one of the 'letter=values'.  The way
I'm trying to get this to work is by searching for the Letter of the
parameter I'm searching for follow by the =.  Then I add a .* which matches
anything.  Then I want to match to end with a '

But no matter what I've tried I will never find the '  It find the beginning
of my search then go to the end of the string.  I've played with escaping
the ' but that didnt seem to work either.

What I end up having to do to get it to work is end the seach with the
Letter= of the next variable in the string and then clean it up but I really
don't want to have to do it that way as its not very flexable and relies on
the string being in a certain order and I don't want to count on that.

If anyone has an idea about what I'm doing wrong I would be most grateful.


$test = "'A=test' 'P=lkjae' 'p=12' 'H=goober@localhost' 'n=crfrinch'

$_ = $test;
$username = $1;
print "$1\n";

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