This may be a long shot, but I am trying to get Arthur Corliss's
CursesWidgets 1.992 module to work on a SCO box. Must apologize first, I
do not understand curses, no more than the average pig understands

Server OS: SCO Open Server 5 (oxymoron, but we can't call it SCO
Abandoned Server 5, can we?)
Historically, SCO is loved by many for its disk IO, terminal emulation,
and dynamic linking problems (sarcasm). It can be considered a
"challenged" OS :-)

Workstation: Windows 2000
Telnet courtesy of HummingBird Exceed
Perl 5.6.1, not a binary distribution, I compiled it myself on SCO with
Curses modules also compiled with perl Makefile.PL CC=gcc. Tried
compiling with the native SCO compiler cc, didn't get
any better results.

CursesWidgets requires Curses 1.06. All present and accounted for.
Modules build with no problem, up until make test :-) Problem: While the
addstr() method associated with the main window handle works, addstr()
does not work correctly when invoked from a widget. Also, the "here
document" method of writing to screen is broken. All spaces are stripped
out of the output, so that "Welcome to the CursesWidgets Test Program"
becomes "WelcometotheCursesWidgetsTestProgram" out there on the screen.
And it likes to this regardless of whether TERM is ansi, xterm, vt100,
or whatever.

Action taken: Much archeology in the terminfo.src file, trying to find a
TERM that worked. No luck so far. Diddled with Hummingbird's Terminal
Options. No luck there either.

Note that when I built the modules on the Linux box and logged in via
Humming and set TERM to "linux", the above problem disappeared and the
screens behave sanely. So, it works on Linux. Stealing the "linux"
terminal definition from linuxbox->terminfo.src and compiling it with
tic on SCO box did not work.

Thanks in advance for any help. My organization could really use this
functionality. I could tell you what we use to write screens around
here, but you wouldn't believe me (ever heard of Flagship?).

Thanks again.

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