From: Wiggins d'Anconia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <snip>
> > 
> > Could you ask them if they would install (or have already installed)
> > DBI and DBD::CSV or DBD::File? You could then convert your database
> > to flat files or CSVs on your side (by a Perl script that would just
> > connect the Access via DBD::ODBC, the CSVs/Files, and would copy all
> > tables), upload the files and use them as a database.
> > 
> > Even better option might be DBD::SQLite. That's a "whole" SQL 
> > compatible database in Perl module. It is quicker than 
> > DBD::CSV/DBD::File and the whole database is just one file, just
> > like Access.
> >
> With respect to asking them to install those various modules, if my
> understanding is correct, even if you can't get htem to install the
> modules you should be able to install them into your personal file
> space and call them from there, though there may be compilation issues
> (of the modules themselves that is), and manipulation of @INC, etc. I
> defer to the "elders" on this matter, though it worked for me when my
> hosting provider wouldn't install Email::Valid (granted this is a much
> simpler module).

Yes you could do this. I do not think though you will be able to 
compile them ON the server. Therefore you need access to a computer 
with the same OS and perl.

On that computer you may then compile the module:

        cd temp/the-module-x.y
        perl Makefile.PL
        make test

and then copy the directories and files from ./blib/arch and 
../blib/lib to the server, to a directory that's not accessible via 

All modules may go to the same directory. Just make sure you copy the 
directory structure. The fact that ./blib/arch and ./blib/lib may 
contain the same subdirectories and even .exists files is OK.

If you then need to use on of the modules you installed yourself then 

        use lib '/path/to/the/directory/where/you/uploaded/it';

on top of your script and you should be done.

If the server is using Windows and you do not have a compiler, just 
download the PPM distribution, unpack it to get the blib directory 
and then continue at explained above. 

The modules in the ActiveState repository may be found at
There you can download ZIPs that contain a .ppd and a .tar.gz. You 
have to extract the .tar.gz and then unpack that one.

If you need something from my repository (like the DBD::SQLite for 
example) you just download the *-PPM.tar.gz from

HTH, Jenda
=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
                                        --- me

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