In package A, I did sth like this :

package A;
use strict;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw (Exporter); # What this actually for ?!
our @EXPORT = qw (%hash);
our %hash  ;

# code code code code and code .....
# Do sth to assign values for %hash anyway


Then , in the main script, I will use A, B, and C, and D.
but what packages B, C, D are required to use A too.

My question is, will perl re- assign the hash whenever
a 'use package A' declared ? or when Perl found the package
had loaded once, it won't load again ?

The other question is , whatever y/n above, will the outcome(reload or not) be 
difference when :

1. I directly assign values (ie $hash{A} = 1, $hash{B} = 2), 
2. using sub to assign value (ie. .... our %hash ; sub GenHash { ..... } GenHash; 1; )


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