Hello All,

I am trying to install this module for mysql and I am having trouble with
it.  I have included my makefile record and the error message I am receiving
for your review.

I would appreciate any help anyone can offer me.  Thank you very much for
your assistance.  Have a great day.


# Makefile for the dbf2mysql-utility
# Maarten Boekhold ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 1995

# Set this to your C-compiler

# set this to your install-program (what does Solaris have
# in /usr/sbin/install? SYSV install?)


# Set this to whatever your compiler accepts. Nothing special is needed
#CFLAGS=-g -Wall -pedantic -include /usr/include/mpatrol.h
#CFLAGS=-g -Wall
CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall

# Set this to make smaller binaries

# Set this to your MySQL installation-path

# Set this to where you want the binary (no man-page yet, don't know
# how to write them)

# Set this if your system needs extra libraries
# For Solaris use:
#EXTRALIBS= -lmysys -lmystrings -lmysqlclient  -lm
# For mpatrol use (see http://www.cbmamiga.demon.co.uk/mpatrol/)
#EXTRALIBS= -lmpatrol -lbfd -liberty -lmysqlclient -lm
EXTRALIBS= -lmysqlclient -lm

# You should not have to change this unless your system doesn't have gzip
# or doesn't have it in the standard place (/usr/local/bin for ex.).
# Anyways, it is not needed for just a simple compile and install
#RM=/bin/rm -f


OBJS=dbf.o endian.o libdbf.a dbf2mysql.o mysql2dbf.o

all: dbf2mysql mysql2dbf

libdbf.a: dbf.o endian.o
 $(AR) rcs libdbf.a dbf.o endian.o

dbf2mysql: dbf2mysql.o libdbf.a
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(STRIP) -L. $(MYSQLLIB) -o $@ dbf2mysql.o -ldbf \

mysql2dbf: mysql2dbf.o libdbf.a
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(STRIP) -L. $(MYSQLLIB) -o $@ mysql2dbf.o -ldbf \

dbf.o: dbf.c dbf.h
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ dbf.c

endian.o: endian.c
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ endian.c

dbf2mysql.o: dbf2mysql.c dbf.h
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" $(MYSQLINC) -c -o $@ dbf2mysql.c

mysql2dbf.o: mysql2dbf.c dbf.h
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" $(MYSQLINC) -c -o $@ mysql2dbf.c

install: dbf2mysql
 $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -s dbf2mysql $(INSTALLDIR)
 $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -s mysql2dbf $(INSTALLDIR)

 $(RM) $(OBJS) dbf2mysql mysql2dbf

# the 'expand' is just for me, I use a tabstop of 4 for my editor, which
# makes lines in the README very long and ugly for people using 8, so
# I just expand them to spaces

# -expand -4 README.tab > README
 (cd .. ; $(TAR) cf dbf2mysql-$(VERSION).tar dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/*.[ch] \
 dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/Makefile dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/README \
        dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/kbl2win.cvt ; \
 $(GZIP) -f9 dbf2mysql-$(VERSION).tar)

# -expand -4 README.tab > README
 (cd .. ; $(TAR) cf dbf2mysql-$(VERSION).tar dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/*.[ch] \
 dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/Makefile dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/README \
        dbf2mysql-$(VERSION)/kbl2win.cvt ; \
 $(BZIP2) dbf2mysql-$(VERSION).tar)

This is the error information that I get:  Can anyone tell me what this
means?  and what can I do to correct  it???

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
C:\>perl C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile
Semicolon seems to be missing at C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line
Bareword found where operator expected at
C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line 54, near "$(AR"
        (Missing operator before AR?)
Bareword found where operator expected at
C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line 54, near ") rcs"
        (Missing operator before rcs?)
Bareword found where operator expected at
C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line 57, near "$(CC"
        (Missing operator before CC?)
Scalar found where operator expected at C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile
line 57, near ") $("
        (Missing operator before $(?)
Bareword found where operator expected at
C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line 57, near "$(CFLAGS"
        (Missing operator before CFLAGS?)
Scalar found where operator expected at C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile
line 57, near ") $("
        (Missing operator before $(?)
Bareword found where operator expected at
C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line 57, near "$(STRIP"
        (Missing operator before STRIP?)
syntax error at C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line 49, near "OBJS"
Unrecognized file test: -L at C:\perl\lib\dbf2mysql-1.14\Makefile line 57.

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