Hate to reply to my own post here, but I'm also discussing these issues 
on comp.lang.perl.modules (see I did read the CPAN docs) and some 
people have asked me to post the module.  I did that, so I just wanted 
to mention that it's up and welcome any and all feedback on code or 
documentation, if anyone's interested in taking a look.  The 
documentation is just embedded POD, so download the module and view it 
in your favorite form, if you're interested.  Here's the link:


(Note:  This is served straight off my desktop box so it's only up 
during the day.)

As for where I sit on the two main issues, here's a brief update.  I 
plan to specialize down to more of a MUD/game server concept to 
eliminate any cross-over doubts and carve out my own niche on the CPAN.

The name is still in flux, as you can see by the old name in the link, 
I was pretty decided on Net::MUDServer, until I learned from the 
newsgroup that the Net category is a little more restricted these days. 
  Now, I'm less sure, and still hunting for the right choice.

Thanks for all your time.

James Gray

On Wednesday, September 25, 2002, at 03:34  PM, James Edward Gray II 

> Howdy:
> (Warning:  Questions require background, so this is a touch long.  
> Sorry about that.)
> Okay, I've written, debugged, documented, etc a module.  I think it 
> turned out well and might even be worth submitting to the CPAN.  I'm 
> reading through the 'Guidelines for Module Creation' now, to see if 
> I've done things properly and I've run into a few questions:
> '2.1 Do similar modules already exist in some form?'
> I admit it, I didn't even look until I read this question.  
> Originally, I was just coding for myself, I never realized that it 
> might reach the point where I would want to release it.  My background 
> comes from Java (Java 2 Certified) as well, so my habits are to code 
> anything not in the standard API.  (I know, I know.  I'm working on 
> it, getting injections, etc.)  Finally, I wanted to learn and 
> understand, so I had to do it myself.  Given that I didn't look 
> before, I have looked now and the answer is "Yes, mostly".
> My newly coded module is a Multiplexed Non-blocking I/O Telnet Server. 
>  It was written with an eye towards serving MUDs, MUSHes, and similar 
> games, because that's what I intend to write with it, but it's not 
> really limited to those.  Knowing that, here's what I found:
> IO::NonBlocking - (Found via search, but I can't seem to locate it in 
> the module list.) This pretty close to what I built, excepting wildly 
> different interfaces.  This module seems very generic, though it does 
> mention 'game servers' once in the README.
> That's the only match I can be sure on.  I admit that my CPAN skills 
> are still very poor though, so if I missed 5,000 matches or even 1, 
> please enlighten me.
> So, my question (Finally!) is, should I even bother submitting this?  
> I'm not trying to add to module confusion, I just thought others might 
> like to use my code.  If it will help, I'll submit it.  If it's 
> already been covered, I'll keep it to myself.  I have no experience 
> here though, so I could use opinions.  Should I maybe even consider 
> slanting mine more towards game serving and then submit it?  Any 
> opinions are appreciated.
> My other area of confusion is:
> '2.5 Select a name for the module.'
> I thought I had this under control, but after reading a little, I'm 
> not so sure.  (Since it seems to change the rules here a little, I 
> should probably mention that my module is object oriented.)  I've been 
> calling my package 'Server::MUServer'.
> After reading a bit, I can't tell if 'Server::' is the proper 
> category, though it feels right to me.  Any other suggestions?
> Also, MUServer seems pretty dead wrong according to this section.  I'm 
> guessing it should become a couple of complete words and lose its 
> "cute/acronym/jargon" qualities.  Any suggestions as to what would be 
> better?
> Thanks for suffering through all this babble.  Any pointers on my 
> questions or the CPAN process in general will be greatly appreciated.
> James Gray

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