Nkuipers wrote:

>>My question then, is how do you pass variables to perl script from the
>>Unix command line and how are those variables processed within the script?
>>More than likely, the variables will need to be passed to either an array
>>or hash.
> Well, there are two main ways I know of to pass vars to Perl from the
> command
> line.  The first is where the entire script is contained on the command
> line,
> affectionately known as a "one-liner".  The second uses an array called
> @ARGV,
> which takes arguments passed after perl scriptname, in order.  For

some people perfer to set their args in the env. variable like:

$export WHATEVER=1234

and then in their script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

print "hi, i got: $ENV{'WHATEVER'} from you\n";


personally, i don't like it.


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