[1] pop takes out the elements from the right end of
the array while shift does that from the left end.
[2]When there is one element then the above mentioned
functions will give you the same result :)
[3] Yes, your notion about "my" is correct but for
more information go through the man pages on
www.perldoc.com or your system.
[4] Here @_ is the array (you are right about that
also). In this case you don't have to mention the name
of the array. 


Dharmender Rai

 --- montana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > I've been looking through the manual
perlboot. This
> is a beginners tutorial on Perl OOP.                
> One of the practice programs in this manual had the
> following line:
> my $class = shift;
> This was located in the subroutine:
> sub Sheep::speak {...}
> From what I've gathered so far, "my" makes the
> variable "$class" local to the subroutine only? Is
> this correct? "shift" takes the leftmost value out
> of a list and places it in the variable $class? Is
> this correct? If I got all of this correct, where is
> the array that shift is working on and why use shift
> instead of pop? Also what are the contents of this
> array and how can I see them? I know that that line
> of code places the value "Sheep" into "$class", I
> was just wondering how this works in plain English?
> I'm guessing, and please correct me if I'm wrong
> here, the array is "@_"? And this array contains the
> current class name "Sheep" as it's only item? And
> this is why "shift" and "pop" produce the same
> results?
> Thanks in advance.
> SA
> "I can do everything on my Mac that I used to do on
> my PC, plus alot more ..."
> --Me
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