
Never had any real programming classes and as I start to read more and moe
programming books (on Camel now) keep seeing items like malloc(3),
longjmp(3), rintf(3), etc etc.  I have this gut feeling they have something
to do with c++ but thats about as far as I get.  Google is no help and key
in the camel book (and others) also isn't either.  I am starting to believe
this is one of those basic concepts / ideas that I should know yet somehow
missed it completely :) .

Anybody want to explain just what those references are to and how it applies
to me/perl?

note: I am a win32 guy



Peter Thoenen - Systems Programmer
Commercial Communications
Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo

"Stumbled Upon"...heh (Score:5, Funny) /.
by $carab on 23:00 23 August 2002 (#4131637)

"ForensicTec officials said they stumbled upon the military networks about
two months ago, while checking on network security for a private-sector

Someone new to a Dvorak probably tried to type in "lynx
http://www.google.com"; but instead got "nmap -v -p 1-1024 -sS -P0 army.mil
-T paranoid".

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