On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 03:24:14PM -0400, Nikola Janceski wrote:
> Then I am really confused, how can I cause the scope of $\ to extend only to
> the end of the file and not into the other modules??

You can't.  However, you might be able to confine your local version of $\
to only those operations you want.  I tried to go back to your original code
to give you an example of this, but it wasn't clear to me what exactly you
wanted affected by your version of $\, and what should've been left alone. 

> #!yourperl
>       my $\ = "\n";
> __END__
> I get this error:
> Can't use global $\ in "my" at /usr/nj/pl.pl line 4, near "my $\ "
> Execution of /usr/nj/pl.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

These special variables are global.  Even if you could manage to lexically
scope them they wouldn't be the same variable any more than the two $foo
variables would be with 'our $foo; my $foo;'

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