Thanks David, this works in the form that you gave me.  However, I am
butchering it up to try and see if it will work with all the values I have
and I run into this error.

Illegal octal digit '9' at line 10, at end of line

I get the impression that perl is interpreting one of my zips as something
other than an integer or range of integers and I am unsure of why it is
doing this or what to do to remedy it.  I got the same error when I was
trying to run the one I had written prior to your good advice.  I assumed
that I somehow had misunderstood what I could and could not do with a hash,
but now I see that it is the numbers I am using.  Can I escape this problem
and still have my hash perform as expected?

This is the end of line 10:

map{'zone 6'}

And the previous line 9:

map{'zone 5'}

As you can see, the zones are a bit more involved, but the method should
remain the same should it not?

wiggins: Thanks for the perlcircus link.


> I don't think you need to do a lot of typing. your best approach(i think
> course) is to use the zip code as key and the zone code id as value. if
> use the other way around, you are bound to find your searching algr. slow
> becasue you have to search through tons of zip codes on each search.
> try:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> my %zips;
> @zips{100..200} = map{'zone 1'} (100..200);
> @zips{201..300} = map{'zone 2'} (201..300);
> @zips{301..400} = map{'zone 3'} (301..400);
> while(<STDIN>){
>         exit if(/^exit/i);
>         chomp;
>         print "$_ is in $zips{$_}\n" if(exists $zips{$_});
> }
> __END__
> run:
> 100
> 100 is in zone 1
> 300
> 300 is in zone 2
> 400
> 400 is in zone 3
> 123
> 123 is in zone 1
> exit
> david

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