
Reading further in the archives to this list I got an idea: (thanks to John W. Krahn)

$pattern = shift(@ARGV);
while (<>) {
if ( /$pattern/i ){
print $reml;
print $_;
$_ = <>;
print "$_\n";
$reml = $_;

That is certainly much quicker than the way I was doing it before..

I'd still like to see if there is a cleaner way though.

Also, to make it more flexible, perhaps print more than one line before and more than one line after.



On Tuesday, Dec 10, 2002, at 21:22 Europe/Brussels, Jerry Rocteur wrote:


Anyone know how to write a grep -C in Perl ?

You know, I want to search for a string/regexp in a file and I want to print the line before and the line after the search string.

I've tried a couple of ways and it takes a really long time, I load the file in memory, seach for the string, extract the line number of the string $. subtract one and add one and print the three lines but this can take a very long time.. I don't have grep -C on the system I want to do this.

I've looked at perldoc and the list archives and can't fing any help..

Thanks in advance,


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