> push @$arrrayref,$filename);
> $$arrayref[0]="January";
> @$arrayref[4..6]=qw/May June July/;
> So this is actually creating an anonymous array that it then 
> references
> correct?
> so the assignments January ect are being made to an anonymous array.


> This is cool but maybe I am missing the point. Why would you use these
> references rather then just using the actual variable?
> If some one could give me some real world applications for 
> this I would
> be most appreciative.

i think the idea is to start of with easy examples so you can see how the
refs work.

> I have seen them used to simulate a multidimensional array as well has
> hash and that makes sense. But beyond that I am kind of at a loss.

I use them alot (like you say) to push on array onto another without
clobbering the first one. I also create anon refs to arrays to pass to
subroutines if they are large arrays, instead of passing the entire large
array by value to a sub. 
You will see alot of useful things for them when you get to the data
structures part of the book. 


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