Well, I'm not sure what to do here. It's quite possible - I would use
modules LWP, HTTP::Request::Form and HTML::TreeBuilder - but if you've only
just read LP then I doubt you would understand how to do it. I could write
the code for you (which I'm happy to if you want) but that wouldn't teach
you anything. If you can 'extract information from an HTML page' does that
mean you can retrieve it with Perl?

Over to you: how can I/we best help?



"Sukrit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi listers,
> i am a perl beginner with an interesting problem (to me atleast :).
> Problem Overview
> - ----------------
> Somewhere on the world wide web, exists an asp page with the following
> form -
> <form action="rollresult.asp" method="POST" id="form1" name="form1"
onSubmit="return validate()" target="_top">
> On entering a valid roll number and pressing enter, results for that
> are displayed. Currently this has to be done manually, for say 120
> students. Very painful indeed.
> 1 What i can manage
> - -------------------
> i can,
> 1.1 Generate valid numbers.
> 1.2 Extract information from an html page.
> 2 What i need to know
> - ---------------------
> i need to know how to,
> 2.1 Enter info in a form at a particular url.
> 2.2 Save the resultant file on locally. (for 1.2 above)
> i have just read Learning Perl, so that is my skill level. Any pointers?
> Regards,
> sukrit
> --
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