Colin Johnstone wrote:
> Gidday all,


> Im having trouble reading and writing to this file, It's probably just
> something silly.
> Heres my code. I have set the permissions on the file to 775.
> <code>
> my ($filename);
> $filename =
> "/home/bdweb8083m/";

You can declare and assign in one statement:

my $filename =

> if( -e $filename ){
>   print "Yeah - File exists<br>";
> }
> my @participants;
> open IN, "<$filename" || die( "Cannot Open: $!" );

The high precedence of || means that that in interpreted as:

open IN, ( "<$filename" || die( "Cannot Open: $!" ) );

Which is not what you want.  You should use the low precedence or

open IN, "<$filename" or die "Cannot Open: $!";

Or use parenthesis for the open function:

open( IN, "<$filename" ) || die "Cannot Open: $!";

> while( my $line = <IN> ){
>   chomp $line;
>   push( @participants, $line );
> }

You can declare and assign to the array in one statement:

chomp( my @participants = <IN> );

> close IN;
> print "Num elements array participants = ".scalar( @participants )."<br>";
> my $outString;
> $outString  = "";
> $outString .= $fields{'SelectCity'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'Workshop1'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'Workshop2'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'Salutation'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'FirstName'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'LastName'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'Title'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'CompanyName'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'CompanyAddress'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'Suburb'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'State'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'PostCode'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'PhoneNumber'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'Mobile'} . ",";
> $outString .= $fields{'EmailAddress'};

It looks like you need a join here:

my $outString = join ',',
    @fields{ qw( SelectCity Workshop1 Workshop2 Salutation FirstName
                 LastName Title CompanyName CompanyAddress Suburb State
                 PostCode PhoneNumber Mobile EmailAddress ) };

> print "Out string =$outString<br>";
> push( @participants, $outString );
> print "Num elements array participants = ".scalar( @participants )."<br>";
> print "@participants\n\n";
> open( OUTFILE, '>$filename') or die( "Cannot open file: $!");
> while( @participants ){
>   my $val = shift( @participants );
>   print( OUTFILE "$val\n" );
> }

A foreach loop is more efficient then shifting each element from an

foreach( @participants ) {
  print OUTFILE "$_\n" ;

> close( OUTFILE ) or die( "Cannot close file: $!");
> </code>

use Perl;

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