
 Trying to crate a nested hash from variables parsed out of log files but 
as I am a "Beginner Perl' coder it is failing terribly. The basic question 
is given you have 5 variables how would you make a nested hash. 

Thanks ! 

I hope this is enough code to example my problem.   
-------------- snip ----------------------
foreach (@wwwlogs) {
        ($wwwname,$cust,$YYMMDDay) = split('\.',$_);
        open (LOG, $_ ) || die "Can't open $_!: $! \n";
      while (LOG>) {
           # Walk through log file and look for our string. 
           ($pid,$hhmmss,$host,$custname,$custsub,$site,$junk) = split('\|',$_);
           # print(SPLITVARS= $hhmmss,$host,$custname,$custsub,$site\n); 
           $time=>{$custname}=>{$custsub}=>{$site}=>{$YYMMDDay} = $hhmmss;
      } etc etc etc   

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