John W. Krahn wrote:
> Rob Dixon wrote:
>> John W. Krahn wrote:
>>> Scot Needy wrote:
>>>>         ($wwwname,$cust,$YYMMDDay) = split('\.',$_);
>>> The first argument to split is a regular expression.
>>>     my ( $wwwname, $cust, $YYMMDDay ) = split /\./;
>> But, as it has an implied 'm',
> I don't know what you mean by this.  Could you explain please?

Sure. I'm saying that

    split '\.';

actually compiles as

    split m'\.'

and is therefore the same. It has to be a valid quotation character
though, because anything else won't be recognised out of context.

    split m%\.%

works fine, but

    split %\.%

gives a syntax error.

>> any delimiter will do.
> Have you tried it?

Yes :-)



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