Hi All,

I swear I've called subroutines this way before, but I can't find any
In this case, I'm looking to build some time/date functions.  Regardless of
what the actual code is supposed to do, the calling of subroutines as
elements of a hash is causing me grief.  I am receiving the following

      Undefined subroutine &main:: called at D:
\perldev\workroom\dates\dates.pl line 16.

Here is the code.  Can anyone see what I am doing wrong here???


P.S. you can see where I comment out the ccyymmdd_now function.  That
approach works, but is not what I'm shooting for.

%date_formats = (
#     "ccyymmdd" => {now => \ccyymmdd_now()},
      "ccyymmdd" => {now => sub {
                        my @arr = localtime();
                        1900 + $arr[5] . sprintf("%02d",$arr[4] + 1) .

      "yyyymmdd" => {now => ${$formats{"ccyymmdd"}}{now},},

sub now {
      my $format = shift;
      $format =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

      if (exists $date_formats{$format}){
            # Not working...
            print STDERR "invalid format\n";


#print "|" .  ccyymmdd_now() . "|\n";
print "|" . now("ccyymmdd") . "|\n";

sub ccyymmdd_now{
      my @arr = localtime();
      1900 + $arr[5] . sprintf("%02d",$arr[4] + 1) . sprintf


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