I guess I'm lost again on this topic:(
I'm basically trying the following:
User logs in -> then he has a choice:
1. enter new record
2. edit old one
Once taken to those new pages I somehow must keep the fact that he already logged in and at the same time forbid other people from a direct access to those pages (choices 1&2). I don't want to use cookies.
I thought I could just issue a temporary random number (insert it to his profile while logging in) and then pass as hidden $user and the $random_num (and verify those when he goes to the next page). Then after he finishes with editting or inserting a new record I would delete that number.
I also found some info on MD5 which to my understanding changes (e.g. his password) to a random (string or number?); so should I use that string in a simillar fashion that I described above in my primitive solution with the random number? And if so, what if he logs in and then decides not to proceed with any of the choices? Can I somehow set an expiration on that new field ("random number" or "scrambled password")in my MySQL database?

Thank you,

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