Deb wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have an array in which each element is a line commandline data.  It looks
> something like this -
> @Array contains lines:
> post1: -r [EMAIL PROTECTED] -x cat-100 -h post1
> post2: -x tel -h post2
> post3: -h post3 -x hifi
> And so on.  The order of the options varies, and there may or may not be a
> -r $arg on the line.
> These lines are parsed from a file with more lines, of which I extracted all
> the lines with -h:
> open (F, "<$File");
> while (<F>) {
>    if ($_ =~ / -h /) {
>       # remove crud
>       s/ \"\|//;
>       s/\/some\/crud\/path argument //;
>       s/\"$//;
>       # store what's left
>       push @Array, $_;
>    }
> }
> What I really need to do is build a relationship between the first field
> (which is the same as the argument to -h) and the argument to -x.  The -x flag
> can be dropped, as they're not needed.
> So it looks like I need to build a hash based.

If you want to put the data into a hash this may do what you want:

$ perl -le'
@array = (
    "post1: -r [EMAIL PROTECTED] -x cat-100 -h post1",
    "post2: -x tel -h post2",
    "post3: -h post3 -x hifi"
for ( @array ) {
  %hash = /(-[a-z])\s*((?!-)\S*)/g;
  $" = " <*> ";
  print "*> @{[%hash]} <*";
*> -r <*> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> -h <*> post1 <*> -x <*> cat-100 <*
*> -h <*> post2 <*> -x <*> tel <*
*> -h <*> post3 <*> -x <*> hifi <*

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