"R. Joseph Newton" wrote:
> Deb wrote:
> >
> > I have an array in which each element is a line commandline data.  It looks
> > something like this -
> >
> > @Array contains lines:
> >
> > post1: -r [EMAIL PROTECTED] -x cat-100 -h post1
> > post2: -x tel -h post2
> > post3: -h post3 -x hifi
> >
> > What I really need to do is build a relationship between the first field
> > (which is the same as the argument to -h) and the argument to -x.  The -x flag
> > can be dropped, as they're not needed.
> Is this something like what you are looking for?
> sub getRelationship($, $) {
What is the comma doing there?

>   my ($commandline, $relationships) = @_
Missing semicolon.

>   my @commands = split /\s -/, $commandline = @_;
Why are you assigning the array size to $commandline?

>   my $key = shift(@commands);
>   foreach (@commands) {
>     if (/^x/) {
>       s/^x\s+//;

There is no need to do a match AND a substitution.

      if ( s/^x\s+// ) {

>       $$relationships{$key} = $commandline;
>     }
>   }
> }

use Perl;

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